Advent of Code 6: „Custom Customs” – Lösungsaustausch

Das Advent of Code-Puzzle „Custom Customs“ für heute ist ab jetzt verfügbar!

In diesem Thread könnt ihr eure Lösungen posten, oder euch über das Puzzle austauschen.
Mit dem Code 1131555-15717edc könnt ihr außerdem unserem privaten Leaderboard beitreten.

Quellcode bitte in dieser Syntax posten („python“ durch die verwendete Sprache ersetzen):

print("hello world")

Meine Lösung mit Python, mit Mengen (sets):

#!/usr/bin/env python3

def main():
    answers = parse_input("06-input.txt")
    count_union = count_unified(answers)
    print(f"The count of unified group answers with yes is {count_union}.")
    count_intersect = count_same(answers)
    print(f"The count of unified group answers with yes is {count_intersect}.")

def count_same(answers: tuple[tuple[str]]):
    sum = 0
    for group in answers:
        sum += len(intersection_group_answers(group))
    return sum

def intersection_group_answers(group_answers: tuple[str]):
    intersection = set("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
    for person in group_answers:
    return intersection

def count_unified(answers: tuple[tuple[str]]):
    sum = 0
    for group in answers:
        sum += len(unify_group_answers(group))
    return sum

def unify_group_answers(group_answers: tuple[str]):
    unified = set()
    for person in group_answers:
    return unified

def parse_input(filename: str) -> tuple[tuple[str]]:
    answers = []
    with open(filename, "r") as file:
        groups ="\n\n")
        for group in groups:
    return tuple(answers)

if __name__ == "__main__":